Monday, May 28, 2007

a right f**cking bloody mess . . .

". . . . The jokes are bad, very bad. The acting, well, just don’t call it acting. Every scene lasts just too long. There is no point to any of this. It all amounts to nothing. It makes no sense whatsoever. If you’re looking for meaning, go look somewhere else. Everything is repeated once too often. And somehow it all fits together and makes for a brilliant performance. The whole show seems to be drenched in a profound sadness and melancholy. Watching “Bloody Mess” is like one of those moments after a heated argument when you suddenly laugh and wonder what the fuck you were arguing about. It’s like one of those moments when, ahh well, whatever. . . . ."

from Ivar Hagendoorn's writing about Bloody Mess (2004): see his excellent site

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