Monday, August 13, 2007

some new old directions in costuming

how very Sad(e) . . . . can you smell these places?

I am not making a moral opinion here: I am bringing to your attention some contemporary aesthetic trends that maybe have a home in our show . . . . ? Let me know your thoughts.
*** check out the article here in The Huffington Post, or here in, here in the Eroszine, to the work of people like Hermann Nitsch - but be forewarned: these are littered with links that will take you to places such as the websites hosted by Necrobabes . . .who knew? And have you all read Friskby Dennis Cooper? (there's a film too . . )
But then this is Sade . . . and Joma can maybe tell us a bit about Weiss' statement on how the audience should respond to a performance of our play.


Jo Maselli said...

Not sure if you're alluding to this statement, which I think I might have mentioned in this blog before:

"Any production of my play in which Marat does not emerge as the winner will be mistaken."

This statement was made by Wiess in 1965, but Weiss's wife, Gunilla Palmstierna-Weiss, "remarked that teh comment was only made impulsively, out of defence to Weiss's close friendship and association with Hans Perten" who directed a production in Rostock in which Marat was depicted as a socialist hero (Weiss's text was altered considerably in order to accomodate this depiction). But Wiess was very undecided over the meaning of his play and how it should be performed, and revised it several times after the 1965 Rostock production.

(All from Ellis's text - referenced in earlier blog comment somewhere, but I'm at work right now w/out access to all my research material - more to come / revisions hopefully later tonight!)

Jo Maselli said...

P.S. I have a lot more about Weiss and Sade - lots of good stuff about that in Ellis's book - will be posted hopefully tonight

Jo Maselli said...

as a side note: I think these images definately have a place - in a way they are today's catatonic/narcoleptic Cordays (both in image and metaphor)... but this is just all my own personal nonsense opinion!