Wednesday, October 31, 2007


Ladies and Gentlemen, get on the Shortbus.

Sexual frolitics: John Cameron Mitchell’s “Shortbus” chronicles the intersecting lives of a group of frisky New Yorkers. Photofest.

Described by the New York Times as "Part cabaret, part commune, the club functions as an adults-only playground, as well as a testing ground for Utopia; in other words, it’s America without the plastic, the fear and the hate," this bus happily takes us to the Generally Copulating Revolution and leaves us both exhausted and wanting more . . . what did the AD say to me the other day? That the revolution will always consume itself?

The band plays on as long as we remain 'permeable,' and we all get it ~ in the end.

Take a gander at the film website (link above the pic), and read the complete review in the New York Times here.

some YouTube clips:

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